i pray You’ll be my eyes

and watch her where she goes

and help her to be wise

help me to let go

every mother’s prayer

every child knows

lead her to a place

guide her with Your grace

to a place where she’ll be safe

i pray she finds Your light

and holds it in her heart

as darkness falls each night

remind her where You are

every mother’s prayer

every child knows

need to find a place

guide her with Your grace

give her faith so she’ll be safe

… to a place where she’ll be safe

mother’s prayer/celine dion

有 妈妈的祷告  是孩子的幸福 :)

其中蕴藏的是无限的祝福   伴随着孩子  一生一世  直到永恒

明天 就是  五月的温暖季节  纪念母亲的大日子

我们在小组中  分享  歌 颂  母亲的伟大  母亲的爱  母亲的牺牲

我 感谢  妈妈  为我祷告  将我放在天父的手中  让我一生一世  找到了归属

她  从来没有放弃

流下了许多泪水  多番折腾和辛酸  但 她  从来没有放弃  祷告

她  将最美丽的礼物  留给孩子了

那是顺服的榜样  仆人的样式  纯洁的典范  信心的楷模

charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;but a woman who fears the Lord is praised.

honour her for all that her hands have done, and let her work brings her praise at the city gate.