眨眼之间  第二年的第二个学期  就在美丽的晴空之下画上了句号
无法想象  自己即将挥别T 恤和牛仔裤的生涯
脱离了逍遥自在的校园生活  换个新的环境  踏入医院成为名副其实的医药生
昨天的学习  今天的期待  明天的考试
感觉上  自己还没有预备好接受新的挑战  心理上也好  知识的装备上也好  甚至专业的操守
离我  好像是那么的遥远
升上大学  第一次战战兢兢的踏入陌生的课室  第一次兴致纷纷的走进 300++ 人的讲堂
第一次穿上洁白的 lab coat 悄悄的溜进让人生畏的 anatomy lab
这一切  仿佛是昨天发生的事 
 时间  已经毫不留情的  在我的笔记本上  留下了岁月的痕迹
下个星期  就是年末考了
不知道  对于这回的考试  自己准备得怎样了
只知道  这首诗  彻底的描述了我当前的心情
I carefully laid every plan:
The future seemed so bright.
My hopes an ddreams they towered high –
I saw no trace of night.
And then at closing of the day
I knelt in usual prayer,
And prayed, “Dear Lord, bless every plan –
All that I hope and dare.’
But day by day my plans all failed,
My hopes came tumbling down.
All my ambitions disappeared,
And FAILURE was my crown.
Perplexed – I could not understand,
Had I not knelt in prayer?
And asked that every plan and hope
Would find a blessing rare?
Then in the stillness of the night,
Out from the shadows dim,
I heard a persuading ovice
That called me close to Him
“Why don’t you let Me make your plans?
I’ve trod the path before.
Just leave the future in My hands,
I’ll lead thee o’er and o’er.”
In shame, I bowed my humble head;
My spirit low was brought,
Fof I had caught a strange new light,
By His own Spirit taught.
No longer do I pray as once,
“Dear Lord, bless all my plans.”
But now I pray, “Lord, plan for me,
The future’s in Thy hands.”
Streams in the Desert – vol.2, Mrs C.E. Cowman
每一天的挣扎  面对考试的压力  似乎永远无法装在脑袋里的知识
我的读书计划和时间表上的进度  似乎永远达不到心里的目标
来到天父的面前  只能惭愧的对他说
我愿意  服从你的计划  让你来带领我  走在你的心意之中
轻声地对他细说  自己的担忧和顾虑
将自己的的不安  诚实的带到他的手中
我终生的事  你来牵引
el-shaddai el-elyon na adonai
age to age you are still the same